Expert nursery-woman Rosy Hardy gave the Group an excellent lecture and plant demonstration at the September meeting. Her plant knowledge was devoured by the a very appreciated audience. She linked the plants to the conditions suited to their needs.
She started off with plants that like partial shade and highlighted Anemones. She gave a warning about their invasiveness and needing to control them. The Hardy’s reared ‘Frilly Knickers' was a good alternative as it was non-invasive, semi-double white and lilac flowered. The flowering time was also long, lasting from early July to September. She also recommended Persicaria ‘Orange Field’, for its’ unusual Autumn colour and Brunnera ‘Alexanders Great’, the latter deterring slugs and snails! It will grow smaller in dark shade but is not a plant if you own a terrier!! For low groundcover Lobelia ’Alba’ with its’ dainty is strong and evergreen but prefers damp soil.
The scented Viola lutea is a great plant for coping with partial shade and Lunaria ‘Carnforth’, although a bit of a spreader can be divided. Patrinia scabiosifolia’s yellow flowers produce interesting lime green seedheads. Oenothera ’Rose Fan’ is an upright pink form and Coreopsis ‘Moonbeam’ has pale yellow flowers and attracts pollinators but needs well-drained soil. A nectar, rich flower, Cophea ‘David Verity’ is an evergreen which can tolerate partial shade.
Oregano ‘Kent Beauty’ needs full sun and it produces lilac- pink flowers and bracts that look like hops. Artemisia serratula var. seoanei gives late season colour with attractive seed heads. Coreopsis wine-red ‘Mercury Rising’ will brighten up the border. Echinacea ’Sunseekers Tequila Sunrise is a bright two-toned variety which attracts bees and butterflies. Echinacea need plenty of space to thrive. Erigeron ‘Quakeress’ will give pink flowers from June to September. Chrysanthemum ’Bronze Elite’ is a good semi-double for Autumn flowering. Senecio pulcher will provide large bright pink flowers in dampish soil and root cuttings can be taken. A favourite Achillea, ’Terracotta’ with its’ changing colours coordinates well with other plants and should be divided in the Spring. Salvia ‘Indigo Spires’ is borderline-hardy, so take cuttings, but it is a great later flowerer.
This was an evening packed with information and delivered in such a relaxed and charming way by Rosy, who then was busy with her keen buyers!

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